tw nk tlis sal apa lg.meh kte share ckit sal airsoft ni k.hehe...kt cni ada gmba2 airsoft kepunyaan sy n kazen sy..y M85 tu kazen sy pnya.y pistol beretta n uzi tu sy pnya.
sesapa y ada minat y sama cm sy,bole la inform sy na(^_^)..
assalamualaikum...kt cni sy just nk gtau sal skim cpt baru2 ni dh kena briefing ngn taiko skim ni..alhmdllh la ati sy ni keras banyk.haha..kepada hampa semua y insya Allah bakal kna bnda y sama ngn arap sgt hampa semua berhati2..depa mmg bg kita buta ngn DUIT..tambah2 lg siswa2 skrg y amat memerlukan duit sbb nk biaya bil U..depa skrg mmg dok aim kt budak2 IPT and IPTS..ati2 la no...kwn baek sy pn dh terpengaruh ngn skim ni.sbbnya.............depa dok nmpk duit n xpk risiko..mak bpk antaq blajaq,bkn nk meniaga..double F...DUIT BUKAN SEGALA GALANYA....
Approx 20km to the "cowboy town", Northern Peninsular, Malaysia
I'm still a student.My journey is still far and hoping the final abode to be the brightest light i have ever seen.
I do love art very much and perhaps I should be an artist by now. =)
This blog is nothing to do with politics, facts etc.This is only a platform for me to share my ideas and thoughts.Hopefully readers will get something when visiting my blog. I really appreciate comments and if you do have, please either shout it at the shout box or you can write it at comment's section where you can find it at the bottom of my entry. wassalam
Islamic Clock
Islamic Calendar
voice out !!!!
Full time Muslim.There is no such thing as part time muslim